Nomorobo is a third-party service that will help block robocalls and telemarketers from calling your home telephone. It is a third-party service that works as soon as a phone call is made to your home. When the call comes through to your home, it simultaneously rings Nomorobo servers. If Nomorobo identifies the number in their vast database, the phone will simply stop ringing. Take a look below at a short video talking about Nomorobo.

Setting up an account is free and simple
Go to and select Get Started Now
In the dropdown for Type, choose Landline/VoIP
In the dropdown for Carrier, choose SELCO
Enter your email address and select Next
You will receive an email confirming your request for Nomorobo service
In the email you receive, select Click Here To Setup Nomorobo to be redirected back to the website
Follow the remaining prompts to add your home phone line to Nomorobo
Nomorobo is not affiliated with SELCO. This is a free service provided courtesy of Nomorobo.
For more information about this company and their policies, please visit their website at