SELCO Stream is a better way to watch TV. Enjoy every channel in High Definition, with DVR included, and no need for a set-top box when you bring your own eligible device, such as Fire TV, Apple TV, Roku, Android devices (like Android TV), or Apple iPhones and iPads. You can also watch in your browser by visiting https://green.yourtvnow.tv/ and use your SELCO Stream login!
Don’t have a streaming device or prefer a simplified streaming experience? Rent our SELCO Stream EVO Pro Box for $5 a month.
*A SELCO Internet connection is required to use the SELCO Stream LIVE TV Service
Channels 1-33 – ALL IN HD
3 Streams
50 Hours of DVR
No Box Fees (Bring Your Own Device)
Local Channels
Restart & Catch-Up TV (Available on most channels)
*Exclusive Feature* Smart Highlights
WatchTV Everywhere – Sign in with your SELCO Account to access THOUSANDS of titles on demand!
No Contract
Channels 1-95 – ALL IN HD
3 Streams
50 Hours of DVR
No Box Fees (Bring Your Own Device)
Local Channels
Restart & Catch-Up TV (Available on most channels)
*Exclusive Feature* Smart Highlights
WatchTV Everywhere – Sign in with your SELCO Account to access THOUSANDS of titles on demand!
Sports Channels including ESPN, NESN, Golf Channel, NBC Sports Boston, TNT, TBS, Fox Sports
No Contract
Channels 1-290 – ALL IN HD
3 Streams
50 Hours of DVR
No Box Fees (Bring Your Own Device)
Local Channels
Restart & Catch-Up TV (Available on most channels)
*Exclusive Feature* Smart Highlights
WatchTV Everywhere – Sign in with your SELCO Account to access THOUSANDS of titles on demand!
Sports Channels including NFL Network, MLB Network, ESPN, NESN, Golf Channel, NBC Sports Boston, TNT, TBS, Fox Sports
No Contract
A $6.50 Franchise Fee will be added to your monthly bill

Available Add-ons
HBO (6 channels + VOD + HBO Max) | $17.95/mo. |
Showtime Unlimited (11 channels + VOD + Showtime Anytime) | $10.99/mo. |
Cinemax (8 channels + VOD + MAX GO) | $14.95/mo. |
Starz (13 channels + VOD + Starz App) | $8.99/mo. |
NFL RedZone | $59.95/season |
Effective January 1, 2023, SELCO Stream is the only Live TV service offered to new customers.

Watch TV On Your Computer
Frequently asked questions
SELCO Stream is designed to simplify your life by making your TV smarter and accessing entertainment easier. SELCO Stream is an OTT (Over-the-Top) Streaming service that streams traditional “cable” channels through an internet connection and device application. OTT refers to the technology that delivers streamed content over the internet, such as Netflix & Hulu. SELCO Stream also offers on-demand content.
Utilizing SELCO Stream on a streaming device or smart TV allows you to access Live TV, Video on Demand, Restart TV, Catch-Up TV, and your other streaming apps all in one place*.
You do not need a box to stream SELCO Stream. SELCO Stream is available on a variety of devices as an application (app) that you download from that device’s app market. If you do not have a device or compatible TV, SELCO offers the EVO Pro Set-Top Box that will plug into the HDMI port on your TV and stream SELCO Stream, and also includes customized buttons specific to SELCO Stream as well as numbered channel buttons. If you already have a Smart TV or streaming device, check your app market to see if the SELCO Stream App is available.
Unfortunately, SELCO Stream can only be streamed if it is connected to a SELCO internet connection. However, SELCO Stream customers can utilize WatchTV Everywhere to stream live-tv and offered programs from their favorite channels on the go. Visit wtve.net
WatchTVEverywhere (WTVE) is included at no additional charge with a subscription to SELCO Stream. Now, you can access some of your favorite networks and their apps using an Internet connection and a laptop, iPad, iPhone, or Android.
To get access today, register at www.wtve.net
When you register, you will need your Communications Account #, which can be found on page 3 of your SELCO Bill or online on your Smarthub account.
Once registered, you can watch any WTVE program if you subscribe to that network. For example, you must have A&E in your current channel package to watch A&E’s WTVE programs.
There are two ways to watchTVEverywhere:
Visit wTVE.net and log in. You will be presented with a list of networks that are available to you. Click on the network you want to watch. If the network you selected has an app available for your device, you will be directed to the app store to either open or download the app. Otherwise, you will be taken to their website.
Open a TV network app – Hallmark Channel, for example – directly on your device. Log in and start watching.
To learn more, visit https://www.wtve.net/learnmore.php
SELCO Stream offers a variety of features such as
-Our excusive feature Smart Highlights
-Personalized recommendations
-Live, Restart & Catchup TV*
-Digital Video Recording (DVR)*
-Video on Demand (VOD)
*Due to licensing restrictions, some features such as Restart-TV, Catch-Up TV, Trickplay, and nDVR may not be available on specific channels.
RestartTV – Allows customers to go back to the beginning of a show that is already in progress. CatchUpTV – Allows customers to replay content that aired within the past 48 hours. TrickPlay – Allows customers to Pause/Play, Rewind and Fast Forward during live, recorded or Video on Demand content. nDVR- Allows customers to record content on that channel.
You can control your SELCO Stream EVO Pro box with your voice; the Google Assistant will already be set up during the initial install of your SELCO Stream box. To access your Google Assistant, press the Google Assistant button (once) on the top right of your remote and wait for the prompt to appear at the bottom left-hand side.
Say It To Play It
Ask it to play your favorite show, video, or music. Or find the latest movie to enjoy.
Movies & TV Shows
Play: Play Stranger Things
Video Clips: Play cat videos
Apps: Open SELCO Stream
Search: Search Sitcoms
Info: Tell me about Game of Thrones
Playback: Pause. Stop. Resume
Volume: Louder. Softer
Power: Turn off
Ask Google
Sports: When is the next Bruins Game?
Calculations: What is 20% of 80?
Dictionary: What does “Ecstatic” mean?
Find Answers: How far away is the moon?
Unit Conversions: How many feet in a mile?
Smart Highlights, a complimentary feature for SELCO Stream subscribers, offers easy access to cloud-stored highlight reels of popular major league games. This eliminates the need for manual recording or game selection. Users can choose from various viewing options, including:
Game Recap: Customize highlight duration for a condensed game review.
Plays: Tailor highlights to specific types of plays, such as touchdowns.
Players: Watch reels centred around specific players by selecting their names, numbers, or teams.
Smart Highlights is not a feature that is on by default. Users must opt-in to the feature to use it. Opting in can be done from the Profile Settings page.
On the left-hand menu scroll down to your profile. Select the first option “My Profile”. Press the scroll down to the option that displays the words “Smart Highlights” and press OK to enable the option. Highlights will be available within 48 hours and can be viewed on the Home page.
Restart TV:
Find the Live TV show you want to watch from the beginning
Look for the restart TV symbol
Enjoy the entire live TV show, no matter when you started watching!
Catch-UP TV:
Lookback in time and find the show you want to watch (Up to 72 Hours for most programs)
Shows highlighted in light grey have the ability to be watched
Kick back and enjoy!
Click here to see which channels carry these features.
To access the features bar on your InfiniTV app, you will simply need to press My TV button and it will display on the left-hand side of your screen.
On the EVO Pro, click the “Guide” button. In the SELCO Stream App, go to the features bar and select “Live TV”. The grid-style TV guide displays channel numbers, show titles, and the network to make it easy to find your favourite TV show or movie.
Fast Forward/Rewind the current program by holding the left and right arrows on your remote. Some channels may not have this feaure due to licensing restrictions.
Pause Live TV for five minutes before the show will start playing again automatically. Pausing from more than 5 mins on a live channel, you will jump to real-time when you resume.
A recorded sporting event or awards show, for example, is recorded for the hours that it is scheduled to be on TV. If the Patriots are on the TV guide from 7:00 pm until 9:00 pm, it will record those exact hours. If the game goes into overtime and goes past 9:00 pm, it will not continue to record the game. We suggest that you also schedule the show to run after the game to record, so you won’t miss it if it goes over the scheduled time.
No, you are not able to download your recordings to your other devices and watch them elsewhere. However, you can watch all your favorite shows via the apps supported by watchTVeverywhere on your devices and take them anywhere.
The Master Pin by default is 0000. To change this, click on your user profile and select “Change Pin”.
In the SELCO Stream app features bar on the left-hand side; scroll down to your profile name and select “Users,” then “Add User.” Enter your Master PIN (0000 by default), then the “Checkmark” to proceed. Enter the new username, then click on the “Checkmark” to proceed to set a new user PIN for that profile; click on the “Checkmark.” Enter the PIN again to confirm. Choose a new Avatar by clicking on the image of your choice. Now you can have up to 6 different users to customize your experience. Note, you can edit your user profiles at any time!
Use parental controls to restrict what programming can be viewed based on content *ratings and warnings. When parental controls are enabled, restricted content cannot be viewed. You can set different parental levels on each sub-account. Only the master (main) account can enable or disable parental controls using the master PIN.
Enable Parental Controls
Open the SELCO Stream App.
Go to the features bar (by pressing the My TV button) and select your profile.
Select “User” then “Edit User” on the profile you want to control.
Then select “Parental Controls”.
Select your choice for the following and press the “OK” button.
Movie rating
TV rating
6. Enter the master PIN number and make your selection.
7. Click on the “Back” button.
To disable parental controls, you need to be in the master profile, then repeat steps 1 – 7, and select disable “Parental Controls”.
*Parental controls for SELCO Stream are based on USA rating system. Any item below the selection will be blocked content.
Replacement remotes are available from our main office for $15 each. Instructions will be given to re-pair your remote to your EVO Pro device, and are also available on our website.
We're on your side.
Shrewsbury Electric Cable Operations (SELCO) is a community-owned utility that delivers a range of services for home and business including Broadband, Digital TV, and Phone. We employ many of your neighbors and play an active role in the community. We are committed to providing quality TV programming at a competitive price and we fight hard against excessive fee increases from the networks.