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SELCO’s community shared solar program provides SELCO customers the opportunity to get clean energy to their home without having to invest in their own solar panels. Community solar is a great solution for customers who rent their properties or for homeowners whose rooftops do not receive ample sunlight or who cannot afford to install solar.
How Community Shared Solar Works
Community solar allows multiple customers to receive their energy needs from one solar array. Participating SELCO customers will be able to subscribe to our community-shared solar project at the same residential electric rate they are already paying. This means participants will see absolutely no up-charge!
Participant Information and Requirements
A maximum of 300 residential customers will be able to participate in this program, each receiving up to 10,000 kWh per year of renewable power from our Community Solar I project located on the landfill on Route 20. To be eligible you must be a residential electric customer on the R-1 rate and cannot have net metered solar installed on your home. At this time, all 300 spots are currently filled.
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SELCO’s community shared solar program provides SELCO customers the opportunity to get clean energy to their home without having to invest in their own solar panels. Community solar is a great solution for customers who rent their properties or for homeowners whose rooftops do not receive ample sunlight or who cannot afford to install solar.
How Community Shared Solar Works
Community solar allows multiple customers to receive their energy needs from one solar array. Participating SELCO customers will be able to subscribe to our community-shared solar project at the same residential electric rate they are already paying. This means participants will see absolutely no up-charge!
Participant Information and Requirements
A maximum of 300 residential customers will be able to participate in this program, each receiving up to 10,000 kWh per year of renewable power from our Community Solar I project located on the landfill on Route 20. To be eligible you must be a residential electric customer on the R-1 rate and cannot have net metered solar installed on your home. At this time, all 300 spots are currently filled.
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SELCO’s community shared solar program provides SELCO customers the opportunity to get clean energy to their home without having to invest in their own solar panels. Community solar is a great solution for customers who rent their properties or for homeowners whose rooftops do not receive ample sunlight or who cannot afford to install solar.
How Community Shared Solar Works
Community solar allows multiple customers to receive their energy needs from one solar array. Participating SELCO customers will be able to subscribe to our community-shared solar project at the same residential electric rate they are already paying. This means participants will see absolutely no up-charge!
Participant Information and Requirements
A maximum of 300 residential customers will be able to participate in this program, each receiving up to 10,000 kWh per year of renewable power from our Community Solar I project located on the landfill on Route 20. To be eligible you must be a residential electric customer on the R-1 rate and cannot have net metered solar installed on your home. At this time, all 300 spots are currently filled.
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About The Project
The SELCO Community Solar Project is a joint effort of SELCO, MMWEC, the Town of Shrewsbury, Wheelabrator, and many others.