K-12 Bridge to Broadband Program
Every student needs to learn.
As schools turn to broadband for remote learning, they face the problem that some students lack broadband connections at home. School districts are obtaining funding from various sources to support these students, but they need the help of local broadband providers to identify which students lack connectivity and to provide the service. SELCO, with ACA Connects and EducationSuperHighway, is partnering with local schools to meet their students’ broadband needs. The K-12 Bridge to Broadband Initiative is aimed at fostering these partnerships.
Learn more about the DigitalBridgeK-12 here.
SELCO is committed to ensuring Shrewsbury K-12 students have the tools needed to further their education. Program eligibility and need is determined by the Shrewsbury Public Schools. Please contact parenttechsupport@shrewsbury.k12.ma.us for more information.

Broadband providers that participate in the program commit to the follow these core principles:

Sponsored Service
Companies will create a “sponsored” service offering for school districts or other entities.

Identify Student Need
Companies will work together with school districts to identify which students need service.

Standardize Eligibility
Companies will agree to a baseline set of eligibility standards.

Facilitate Enrollment
Companies will minimize the amount of information necessary to sign up families.

Protect Privacy
Companies should not use school-supplied information for targeted marketing to families covered by the program.