Billing Info & Definitions

Unbundled Bill Definitions

Customer Charge: is a monthly fixed charge which applies to all customers. It is designed to recover costs related to metering, meter reading, billing and other administrative costs. 
Transmission Charge: is the charge that recovers the cost to transport electricity from remote generating facilities where it is produced, to the SELCO service territory. 
Generation and Transmission Adjustment (GTA): is an adjustment, either a charge or a credit, to the Generation and Transmission Charges to reflect changes in the cost of power purchased by SELCO and transported to the SELCO service territory. The Generation and Transmission Adjustment will be calculated periodically in accordance with MDPU Schedule No. 179. 
Distribution Charge: is the charge that recovers the cost of delivering electric power over SELCO’s local distribution system to the customer's location. 
Distribution Standby Charge: is the charge to net metered installations to ensure that the cost of maintaining the electrical distribution system is shared fairly among all of SELCO’s rate payers including those who have reduced their financial contribution towards these services by replacing some of the energy purchased from SELCO with energy generated by customer owned equipment. Customers with on-site generation continue to receive all of the services provided by the electric distribution system during times when it is required to supply electricity when the on-site generation is not available as well as times when the on-site generation is exported to the SELCO distribution system. 
Generation Charges: is the cost for the electric power produced at power plants or purchased from the wholesale market. This charge covers the general categories of expenses including fuel or energy costs and capacity costs. 
Farm Discount: Customers who meet the eligibility requirements for being engaged in the business of agriculture or farming as defined in M.G.L. Chapter 128 Section 1a at their service location are eligible for an additional discount from their distribution service rates. The discount will be calculated as 10% of the customer's total bill for service provided by the company before application of this discount. Customers who meet the requirements of this section must provide the company with appropriate documentation of their eligibility under this provision. 
Terms and Conditions: The Shrewsbury Electric's terms and conditions in effect from time to time, where not inconsistent with this rate, are incorporated as part of this rate. 
New York Power Authority (NYPA): Residential customers may be eligible for a credit as a result of purchasing capacity and energy from NYPA.